

Today’s industry is more and more focused on crucial global topics, such as sustainability and a circular approach to the economy.

At Brevetti Stendalto, we are fully aware that the future of our planet, as well as our own, depends on taking on more sustainable, responsible, and considerate business practices.

Today we take a further step in our path toward sustainability and focus on two key issues: recycling and re-use of raw materials, and the synergy we have managed to create between our business field and the world of design.


Sustainability has become essential in modern industry. While many still approach the concept with abstract notions, we at Brevetti Stendalto are proud to inform that our attitude has always been inspired by sustainability and practicality at the same time.

And at all levels, starting from our workshops, where the production processes of our chains and all related components take place. From engineering to moulding technologies, from maintenance to fabrication, every production step falls under our careful control and dedication to detail.

The whole process is optimised thanks to our specific sorting system for by-products and scrap, and an effective partnership with our strategic suppliers. This synergy allows us to revive otherwise exhausted materials. It is the result of the long-term vision, aimed at increasing product life and pursuing a virtuous circular economy, that has always characterized Brevetti Stendalto.

We have avoided emissions of tonnes of CO2 by recycling raw materials. We really played our part in fighting climate change.

We are also working to establish a system to pick up and recuperate our supplies, to bring circularity even outside our premises and share our values with customers and partners.

Our commitment to recycling and re-use raw materials not only reduces our environmental impact: it also demonstrates that innovation may live together with sustainability.


A winning union in the name of sustainability

In our business with nylon, it may happen that a product fails to pass quality control due to minor defects, although it looks fine from the aesthetic point of view. Such small imperfections have led to an intuition that quickly turned into an opportunity: connect our product to the world of design.

In collaboration with a team of designers, we managed to launch a capsule collection of table lamps fabricated with components destined for scrap. A beautiful industrial-style office complement that gives great highlights to our iconic yellow pins.

This initiative is a perfect example of a circular economy. It has proven possible to turn scrap components into a nice-looking, fully functional product.

The future requires an audacious vision, open-mindedness, and a firm willingness to embrace positive changes. Brevetti Stendalto is playing its part in showing that industrial progress may go hand-in-hand with environmental sustainability.

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